Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is the best Prep book for the English Literature SAT Subject Test in 2014?

    The answer is very simple. The best book is the book that makes you score more than 700 at the English Literature SAT test. To score more than 700 at the Literature SAT Test you need to improve your ability to read and analyze literary texts. You need to prepare by using the practice tests in the SAT preparation books .

The best prep books for the English Literature SAT subject test in 2014 are:-

    The best prep book for the English Literature Sat Subject Test in 2014 is the Barron's SAT Subject Test: Literature, 5th Edition.The Barron's prep book is the best book to prepare for the Literature SAT test. It has a lot of advantage. Some of these advantage are:-
-It is a good book to learn new material and increase your knowledge .
- Easy to read and understand.
- It is slightly harder than the real test, which make the actual test a piece of cake for you.
- Good practice questions and strategies
-A lot of practice tests. This book has seven full-length practice tests, and two diagnostic tests

The  Kaplan SAT Subject Test Literature 2013-2014  is a very good book to prepare for the test this book is:-
- Easy to read and understand.
- Slightly harder than the actual test. 
- Has good practice questions and strategies.
- A lot of practice tests.

 Princeton Review Cracking the SAT Literature Subject Test, 2013-2014 Edition 

A lot of students use this book to prepare for the SAT Literature test. The good things in this book are:-
- The accurate practice tests.
- Easy to read and understand.
- Good practice questions (outside of the practice tests)

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